Resep Garlic Chili Oil Yang Gurih

Garlic Chili Oil. Homemade Chili Garlic Oil is incredibly easy to make and a simple way to enhance the flavors of any dish. It is great used as a dipping oil for artisan bread, added to pasta dishes, drizzled in soups. This chili oil has a magical ability to elevate EVERYTHING.

Garlic Chili Oil How to make CHILI GARLIC OIL (Sa Tế Ớt Tỏi)? I think you guys have been asking me for this chili garlic oil recipe ever since i first posted on IG! And I finally got around to it now, more than a year. Cara membuatnya cukup mudah Garlic Chili Oil menggunakan 7 bahan dan 5 langkah. Berikut cara membuat nya.

Bahan yang diperlukan Garlic Chili Oil

  1. Dibutuhkan 250 gram cabe rawit merah.
  2. Dibutuhkan 50 gram cabe kriting merah.
  3. Dibutuhkan 18 siung bawang putih.
  4. Dibutuhkan 100 ml minyak sayur.
  5. Dibutuhkan 1,5 sdt garam.
  6. Dibutuhkan 1 sdt kaldu jamur / penyedap rasa.
  7. Siapkan Sejumput gula pasir.

A wide variety of garlic chili oil options are available to you. Chili oil is a very common Asian condiment that's easy to make at home. Place the chili-garlic oil in clean bottles. With only three ingredients, this chili garlic oil will surely spice up your meal time!

Cara Pembuatan Garlic Chili Oil

  1. Cuci bersih semua cabe dan bawang. Lalu cincang kecil kecil.
  2. Panaskan minyak sayur di wajan, masukkan cabe, aduk aduk perlahan sampe cabe setengah matang, lalu masukkan bawang.
  3. Tambahkan garam, penyedap rasa, dan sejumput gula. Aduk lagi deh sampe tingkat kekeringan cabe dan bawang sesuai dengan selera kalian. Yang jelas cabe sama bawangnya kudu bener bener mateng ya gaes. Biar bisa tahan lama.
  4. Matikan api, tunggu hingga panasnya menurun, pindahkan ke toples deh. Tunggu hingga dingin baru ditutup yah.
  5. FYI: Aku nggak tau pastinya Garlic Chili Oil ini bertahan berapa lama, yang jelas bagi aku lama banget karena biasanya sampe abis masih belom ada tanda tanda basi. Salah satu solusi buat ngakalin cabe mahal. Jadi sebelum harga cabe melonjak, bikin ginian deh. Bisa dipake buat masak lagi, bisa buat temen mie goreng, bisa buat temen nasi panas sama telor ceplok juga. Praktis banget pokoknya.

Refrain from buying a bottle of this spicy goodness; you can do it at home! This easy recipe will teach you how. Homemade chili oil is great for drizzling over foods for extra spice and flavor, for mixing into sauces What Other Ingredients Can Be Used to Flavor Chili Oil? This simple chili oil recipe requires only several ingredients: oil, pepper flakes, ginger, garlic, and salt. The chili oil is perfect for dumplings, noodles, and pretty much any dish that you think can use a bit of.

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